Friday, August 7, 2009

[29 Days To Go] Phase One: Grow a Beard in August

These conditions make for some frenzied fandom. And so, as the 2009 football season approaches for The University of Michigan Wolverines, we find it hopelessly appropriate to begin celebrating said fandom by battling what we've come to call "The Longest Month". As August grinds slowly away, join us in our quest to ensure a good season for the Wolverines by growing what can only be described as an affront to
good taste, feminism, and classically trained porn stars: THE MICHIGAN MUSTACHE.

Call us old school, but we
believe nothing shows people you mean business like growing a mustache in support of a cause. Every week, we'll post updated photos, culminating with a group shot of our staches on September 5th. And hopefully, along the way, we'll include photos of you, Dear Readers, who have taken up this noble cause along with us. Simply send a photo to

Phase one of Mustaching for Michigan grows towards success. Week one photos herein:


  1. This is glorious. Consider me down. How do I send in a photo?

  2. email your photos to and we'll post it.


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