Monday, September 13, 2010

Pre-Gaming With Pat

To Mustachio'er Pat Stansik, may your Mustache for Michigan forever be remembered for its awesomeness.

Mustache, Pat, mustache. You are sort of our hero.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Mustache Year 2... Success!!

Well, Gentlemen, I hope you've spent the Labor Day weekend basking in glory.

Because of you (but mostly the players on the team) this happened:

30-10 What?! 
Mustache, brother, mustache.

Thanks again for a successful 2nd Annual outting of Mustaches for Michigan. Ya'll rock.

Grow Blue. 

Friday, September 3, 2010

[1 Day to Go] !!!

The await is nearly over. Within 24 hours and counting, the Michigan v Connecticut match-up will be underway. And our Mustaches will be doing their thing -- which, in case you didn't know already, will be both awesome and winning.

33 Days ago we started growing our Beards. Tomorrow we unleash the Mustaches for Michigan. We fully expect there to be double rainbows and triple revenge in Year Three. As for tomorrow: Fucking Bring It, UConn.

We don't prognosticate at M4M, we anticipate. We Will Be Victorious. Count on it. Here's to your mustache and here's to mine:


Don't forget to send in those photos of your glorious Mustache on GameDay (tomorrow!!!):